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Digital Technologies: Inadequacy of the Higher Education and Innovation Ecosystem

Gilles Babinet - Oliver Coste

Jan 20, 2023

3rd part of our series of Europe's weaknesses in Tech, published by Institut Montaigne

In our previous articles, we discussed Europe's lag behind other countries when it comes to digital technologies, as well as the industrial and geopolitical risks resulting from it. We identified a structural and little-known cause for this gap, the cost of failure specific to Europe, which needs to be addressed as a matter of priority. However, we cannot reduce Europe's growing weakness in tech to the previously discussed matter alone. Eliminating the costs of failure is necessary but will not be sufficient.

There are other well-known reasons for Europe lagging behind: weak entrepreneurial culture, the fragmentation of the European market, the lack of funding for innovation, competition policy, industrial policies and funding for defense. In this third part of our When Will Europe Wake Up… series, we focus on a deep-rooted cause specific to France: the relative unsuitability of its higher education system for the birth of tomorrow's companies...

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